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Photo's VII

The pictures here are of the Voyage to WestPac in 1956 and are the property of Gil Hoag.  Thanks a lot Gil.

Highline transfer

USS Pivot breaking away after highline transfer

USS Prestige steaming up to station for transfer

Moored at Midway Island

ENS Carlson, Operations officer
Standing on the boat deck

Highline made fast/ready for transfer

USS Prestige trying to keep up

USS Dukes County (LST-735)
Working with our Mine Divison

Three MSO's Moored in a nest

Taken during our WestPac cruise

USS Pivot on station

Getting a little spray/seas a little choppy

Fantail riding high

Gil Hoag enjoying the ride to WestPac

Gil Hoag getting some sun on the flying bridge

Photo's VIII